11: Burner Phone

Episode 11 October 06, 2020 01:11:18
11: Burner Phone
11: Burner Phone

Oct 06 2020 | 01:11:18


Hosted By

Kris Hans Erik Christiansen

Show Notes

In this episode Kris and Erik discuss digital whiteboard software, burner phones and burner numbers, The September 15th Apple event (new iPads and Watches!), remote podcast recording, how to setup digital breakout rooms, broadcasting software, the cost of remote education, and Winter semester uncertainty.



What is the best online collaborative whiteboard software?

*Google JamBoard

Discussion Items:

Using Text+ to create a “burner” number for students.


*Microsoft: Reimagining education
*September 15th, 2020 Apple Event: Time Flies
*CNN: Remote learning is costing parents a fortune
*Global News: Remote learning at University of Regina will extend into the Winter term

EdTech Tips

Digital breakout rooms
*Google Meet persistent links using recurrent events
*Google Meet breakout room extension

Broadcasting software
*Open Broadcast Software

Website: edtechexamined.com
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @EdTechExamined


Erik Christiansen, Co-Founder & Co-Host
Website: erikchristiansen.net
Twitter: @egchristiansen
Blog: tech-bytes.net

Kris Hans, Co-Founder & Co-Host
Website: krishans.ca
Twitter:  @KrisHans
Market Grade: marketgrade.com

Christopher Hoang, Audio Producer & Sound Engineer
Website: chrishoang.ca

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