12: Teaching in Virtual Reality

Episode 12 October 15, 2020 01:19:10
12: Teaching in Virtual Reality
12: Teaching in Virtual Reality

Oct 15 2020 | 01:19:10


Hosted By

Kris Hans Erik Christiansen

Show Notes

In this episode, Erik and Kris interview Dr. Anthony (Tony) Chaston, an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Mount Royal University, in Calgary, Canada. Tony teaches Sensation & Perception and Research Methods at MRU. His research interests include visual perception and cognition and the use of virtual reality for reducing anxiety. Most recently, Tony has been developing a virtual reality course using the AltSpaceVR platform. Erik and Kris talk with Tony about his teaching, research, and the future of higher-education.


Dr. Anthony (Tony) Chaston, Mount Royal University
Faculty Profile
AltSpaceVR username: VizWig
YouTube Channel
Educators in VR AltSpaceVR group
Tony's research presentation for Educator's in VR: Using 360 Nature Videos to Lower Stress

Website: edtechexamined.com
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @EdTechExamined


Erik Christiansen, Co-Founder & Co-Host
Website:  erikchristiansen.net
Twitter: @egchristiansen
Blog: tech-bytes.net

Kris Hans, Co-Founder & Co-Host
Website: krishans.ca
Twitter:  @KrisHans
Market Grade:  marketgrade.com

Christopher Hoang, Audio Producer & Sound Engineer
Website: chrishoang.ca

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