42: Educator Toolbox

Episode 42 May 06, 2022 01:06:11
42: Educator Toolbox
42: Educator Toolbox

May 06 2022 | 01:06:11


Hosted By

Kris Hans Erik Christiansen

Show Notes

In this episode, Erik and Kris share a repository of over 400 open education tools. Our co-hosts also discuss recent tech and education news including "the next Google", the pros and cons of using technology to improve education, SQLi vulnerabilities in higher ed institutions, new online learning entrepreneurs, and smartphones vs science. The app of the month is iA Writer.


*Innovations in Scholarly Communication by the University of Utrecht
*List of 400 open education tools

News articles
*DKB: The Next Google
*Entrepreneur: 5 edtech trends that will change learning between now and 2030
*Brookings: The promise and perils of new technologies to improve education
*VentureBeat: 35% of educational institutions have a SQLi vulnerability
*Financial Times: The new online learning entrepreneurs
*Cal Newport blog post: Smartphones vs. Science

Learning opportunities
*University of British Columbia: Program for Open Scholarship and Education

App of the month:
*iA Writer


Website: edtechexamined.com
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @EdTechExamined


Erik Christiansen, Co-Founder & Co-Host
Website:  erikchristiansen.net
Twitter: @egchristiansen
Blog: tech-bytes.net

Kris Hans, Co-Founder & Co-Host
Website: krishans.ca
Twitter:  @KrisHans
Market Grade:  marketgrade.com

Christopher Hoang, Audio Producer & Sound Engineer
Website: chrishoang.ca

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